Introduction to Google Colab.

 Hello {{First name}},

27 Jan, 2022

On the journey of learning to code, there are times when you doubt if you are good enough for what you are learning? If you have a good enough machine to do all the heavy computing? And the answer to both of them is “YES”. Self doubt, in a community that has members as old as you, are generic. But what about the computer? My potato computer cannot even handle four chrome tabs? Well, where there is will there is a way.

Meet Google Colab: a solution to your computing restrictions.

Google Colab is a Python notebook which can run python codes in the jupyter lab/notebook way but wait there’s a catch. You get 12gb of RAM and access to the Nvidia Tesla K80 GPU(Graphics Processing Unit) along with a TPU(Tensor Processing Unit); don’t worry if you don’t get what a TPU is, just remember it's a cool piece of specialized hardware. The notebooks are autosaved to your google drive and can handle a hefty amount of computing needs.

Do try out(start at least, with a hello world): Google Colab

PS: You can follow along the coding videos where you are learning python and save them on google colab as well.

Restrictions of Google Colab

  • A 20 hour per week restriction on GPU & TPU usage.


  • Ipython notebooks are as easy to run as a python file. You don’t need to install anything to run codes and import modules on Google Colab but if you want to run a jupyter notebook or a jupyter lab on your local machine you’d need to download it via the command line (If you don’t use anaconda).


No matter what you are learning, be sure to keep the error log. Keep programming and I shall see you tomorrow with some new information.

Best Regards

Ashim Dahal

Together We Learn


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