Data analytics with python.


Hi {{First name}},

Do you want to analyze huge amounts of data with ease and readable code?

by Ashim Dahal on International Women’s Day.

You’d need two things to do well in data analytics:

  1. Desire to learn pandas.

  2. Huge amount of data that you want to analyze.

What is Pandas?

Pandas is a Python framework/library built for this specific purpose( to analyze huge or small amounts of data with readable code). I’ve been using pandas for the previous two years whenever I had to do something with a csv file or work with a variety of files at the same time. Recently, it has been really useful to me when I was analyzing the basketball tournaments statistics for a kaggle competition.

How do I learn Pandas?

I had my first experience with Pandas in this course by the University of Michigan. But the story doesn’t end there. Whenever I have some issues or problems in pandas(which is very frequent), I resort to the official documentation. I know that learning from documentation is extremely difficult for beginners so I recommend the video series by Corey Schafer(no I’m not his channel ambassador) on Pandas.

PS. You still have two days to submit forms for the board positions. Details here.

Best Wishes

Ashim Dahal

Together We Learn


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