
Showing posts from March, 2022

Introduction to Google Colab.

  Hello {{First name}}, 27 Jan, 2022 On the journey of learning to code, there are times when you doubt if you are good enough for what you are learning? If you have a good enough machine to do all the heavy computing? And the answer to both of them is “YES”. Self doubt, in a community that has members as old as you, are generic. But what about the computer? My potato computer cannot even handle four chrome tabs? Well, where there is will there is a way. Meet Google Colab: a solution to your computing restrictions. Google Colab is a Python notebook which can run python codes in the jupyter lab/notebook way but wait there’s a catch. You get 12gb of RAM and access to the Nvidia Tesla K80 GPU(Graphics Processing Unit) along with a TPU(Tensor Processing Unit); don’t worry if you don’t get what a TPU is, just remember it's a cool piece of specialized hardware. The notebooks are autosaved to your google drive and can handle a hefty amount of computing needs. Do try out(start at least, wi...

Version Control with git.

  Hello {{First name}}, Greetings from "Together We Learn". Feb 03, 2022 Have you followed our previous three tips on getting started with designing and python on any device? If not, be sure to check them out here . Does your project folder tree look like this? It’s no one to blame, we want to keep track of our progress while also updating the file. We all have been there when we don’t have any idea about version control. So, today I introduce you to the best version control that exists(IMHO): git version control . What is version control? According to git-scm, version control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later, better explained by the following illustration by themselves:   Fig: version control illustration by git-scm But wait there’s more than just that With platforms like github , you can keep a track of your projects and files over the internet,...

Plotting graphs in python.

  print(‘ hello {{First name}}, I hope you are doing fine’ + together_we_learn.get_photo()) Graphs and Visuals February 16, 2022 Do you Want to plot graphs like these? Meet Matplotlib!!!!! Ok, it was not dramatic but what is dramatic, is the amount of power matplotlib has. From simple graphs to complex ones, matplotlib has got you covered in every sense possible. How do I get started with matplotlib? You can execute the following command or install it via pip in the command line. import importlib import subprocesses required = [‘matplotlib’, ‘numpy’] [subprocess.check_call(['pip', 'install', pkg]) for pkg in required if not importlib.util.find_spec(pkg)] Congratulations! You now have matplotlib installed on your computer. As I always say, before stepping your foot on any new library be sure to check out their official tutorials and documentation. Fig: matplotlib official tutorials Do you want to watch someone explain them one by one? Sure there is a platform for...

Data analytics with python.

  Hi {{First name}}, Do you want to analyze huge amounts of data with ease and readable code? by Ashim Dahal on International Women’s Day. You’d need two things to do well in data analytics: Desire to learn pandas. Huge amount of data that you want to analyze. What is Pandas? Pandas is a Python framework/library built for this specific purpose( to analyze huge or small amounts of data with readable code). I’ve been using pandas for the previous two years whenever I had to do something with a csv file or work with a variety of files at the same time. Recently, it has been really useful to me when I was analyzing the basketball tournaments statistics for a kaggle competition. How do I learn Pandas? I had my first experience with Pandas in this course by the University of Michigan. But the story doesn’t end there. Whenever I have some issues or problems in pandas(which is very frequent), I resort to the official documentation. I know that learning from documentation is extremely dif...

Automation With Python

  Together We Learn Weekly Digest Hi {{First name}}, Do you want to automate things on your computer? by Ashim Dahal on March 12 If you are learning python from the basics with our guidance, there’s a good chance that you might have wanted to automate some of the boring and tedious tasks you do everyday with python.  The first step to automation is to learn the extreme basics of any programming language( preferred python because of its human readable syntax). The next step of automation is to identify your problem and know what you want to do. Usually, the automation tasks include things like, renaming files and folders (defragmentation/ you need to work with the OS itself), preparing gradesheets/results ( you need to work with huge amounts of data), face detection/digit recognition and what not. Let's start our journey to automation by the simplest form: tinkering with the OS module  of python to do proper file management. The OS module is preinstalled in python so all ...