Mathematics And Theory Behind The Magic of Logistic Regression
Introduction Is that a bird? Is that a plane? Well, ask no more, we have just got the algorithm which can classify the given input into a label or as we denote them as 0 or 1, 0 standing for a no and 1 for yes and it is called logistic regression. But why Logistic Regression? In previous blog I shared a basic idea about linear regression and while linear regression can be a great tool for linearly related data but when it comes to classification it is not quite useful because we need to come up with a non linear way to give our result and logistic regression is just about it. Where do we want to use logistic regression? The area of logistic regression is classification. By looking at the entrance marks of a student we can classify whether s/he may get selected or not, by looking at the size of tumor we can classify whether it is malignant or not. The possibilities are endless but lets look at why will linear regression fail to converge in such data set. The line y = mx+b is not th...